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2010 Boston Area Tournament

Division C Lucky Stiff

SumPlayerWinning Spreads
119Rosenthal, Rob (C20)4 7 23 27 27 31
130Wittman, Dianne (C22)1 7 7 11 32 72
172Finn, Marshall (C16)3 8 13 33 45 70
187Pitzer, Wilma (C25)5 19 28 38 42 55
188Niles, Jack (C28)8 16 16 26 61 61
204Rothbart, Sam (C24)9 27 27 31 48 62
214Gauthier, Helena (C4)11 17 25 50 52 59
226Lezin, Katya (C10)13 30 42 45 47 49
242Fonti, Jim (C9)21 27 45 48 50 51
253Durant, Olivia (C19)6 32 37 47 60 71
264Morris, Justin (C17)7 35 42 44 56 80
288Konipol, Nancy (C8)15 32 35 67 68 71
290Oliva, Linda (C21)4 15 35 37 83 116
303Giovinazzo, Linda (C26)6 23 54 64 70 86
315Gaudier, Deborah (C35)4 32 33 55 90 101
327Prince, Jackie (C33)9 39 65 66 71 77
334Wancel, Linda (C13)5 34 38 51 63 143
360Burton, Lorraine (C6)37 43 47 54 86 93
392Kester, Barb (C27)12 19 24 91 101 145
410Cohen, Jo Anne (C5)13 23 73 91 93 117
412McWilliams, Shae (C23)13 16 80 85 101 117
413Spiller, Diana (C12)12 54 73 78 97 99
439Seetharam, Prashanth (C11)8 32 53 79 92 175
440Constantine, Brett (C3)7 15 22 114 136 146
457Sinanan, Lilla (C2)12 21 69 81 101 173
485Mullholand, Kath (C14)20 67 77 88 102 131
486Lutts, Tim (C29)25 61 66 90 92 152
513Dubach, Joev (C1)26 31 83 103 121 149
558Mahnken, Denise (C15)52 82 95 105 112 112
595Sharma, Puneet (C36)2 12 96 96 192 197
625Ubeika, Shelley (C7)7 48 89 95 151 235

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