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2010 Boston Area Tournament

Division C Round 4 Scores

Burton, Lorraine6457Constantine, Brett340354
Ubeika, Shelley7352Russell, Stella373457
Fonti, Jim9397Konipol, Nancy8267130
Lezin, Katya10389Cohen, Jo Anne534742
Spiller, Diana12416Mahnken, Denise1534373
Mullholand, Kath14437Hunter, Pamela39335102
Morris, Justin17431Dubach, Joev1296135
Durant, Olivia19486Thompson, Celia Dayrit34305181
Rosenthal, Rob20370Lutts, Tim293664
Wittman, Dianne22374Oliva, Linda2136311
McWilliams, Shae23412Wancel, Linda1332785
Rothbart, Sam24367Sinanan, Lilla233631
Pitzer, Wilma25423Seetharam, Prashanth11291132
Giovinazzo, Linda26339Davis, Thomas1828554
Kester, Barb27469Gaudier, Deborah35368101
Niles, Jack28357Finn, Marshall1633126
Prince, Jackie33444McKinstry, Russell3036777
Sharma, Puneet36438Steenhuis, Quinten3234296
Serino, Steve38404Gauthier, Helena435747
Conti, Jane40367Wood, Betsey3135413

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