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2010 Boston Area Tournament

Division C Round 6 Scores

Dubach, Joev1418Serino, Steve38269149
Constantine, Brett3420Kester, Barb27254166
Cohen, Jo Anne5387Seetharam, Prashanth1137413
Burton, Lorraine6370Morris, Justin1732743
Konipol, Nancy8408Gauthier, Helena437632
Fonti, Jim9382Pitzer, Wilma2533745
Lezin, Katya10373Rosenthal, Rob2032449
Spiller, Diana12409Giovinazzo, Linda2631099
Wancel, Linda13399Sinanan, Lilla236534
Mahnken, Denise15418Niles, Jack28306112
Finn, Marshall16405Steenhuis, Quinten324023
Davis, Thomas18403Mullholand, Kath1431786
Oliva, Linda21436Ubeika, Shelley7320116
Wittman, Dianne22392Durant, Olivia1936032
Rothbart, Sam24368McWilliams, Shae2334127
Thompson, Celia Dayrit34396Wood, Betsey3134155
Gaudier, Deborah35412Lutts, Tim29227185
Sharma, Puneet36441Prince, Jackie3334596
Russell, Stella37436McKinstry, Russell30306130
Conti, Jane40358Hunter, Pamela393526

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