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2010 Boston Area Tournament

Division C Round 10 Scores

Dubach, Joev1463Mullholand, Kath1438083
Cohen, Jo Anne5423Davis, Thomas1833093
Ubeika, Shelley7362Hunter, Pamela3931448
Konipol, Nancy8380Wood, Betsey3130971
Fonti, Jim9360Kester, Barb2730555
Spiller, Diana12448Constantine, Brett335197
Wancel, Linda13444Steenhuis, Quinten3239351
Mahnken, Denise15369Rosenthal, Rob2031752
Finn, Marshall16443Oliva, Linda2141033
Morris, Justin17401Seetharam, Prashanth1132081
Durant, Olivia19408Prince, Jackie3333771
Wittman, Dianne22405McKinstry, Russell304041
McWilliams, Shae23350Gauthier, Helena433713
Pitzer, Wilma25371Rothbart, Sam2432942
Giovinazzo, Linda26369Sharma, Puneet363636
Niles, Jack28344Lezin, Katya103368
Lutts, Tim29440Sinanan, Lilla234892
Gaudier, Deborah35354Burton, Lorraine629955
Russell, Stella37366Serino, Steve383633
Conti, Jane40386Thompson, Celia Dayrit3435630

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