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2010 Boston Area Tournament

Division P Round 12 Alphabetic Pairings

3Appel, Scott (P3) 2ndFukawa-Connelly, Kate (P16) 1st
4Bowman, Brian (P4) 2ndRobinsky, Rob (P9) 1st
6Cree, Chris (P8) 2ndMacNeil, Rod (P13) 1st
3Fukawa-Connelly, Kate (P16) 1stAppel, Scott (P3) 2nd
7Idalski, Jason (P15) 1stLerman, Jerry (P10) 2nd
8Kantimathi, Sam (P14) 1stLipe, Chris (P12) 2nd
7Lerman, Jerry (P10) 2ndIdalski, Jason (P15) 1st
8Lipe, Chris (P12) 2ndKantimathi, Sam (P14) 1st
6MacNeil, Rod (P13) 1stCree, Chris (P8) 2nd
1Mallick, Joey (P1) 2ndWeinstein, Ian (P5) 1st
2OLaughlin, John (P7) 1stSherman, Joel (P2) 2nd
4Robinsky, Rob (P9) 1stBowman, Brian (P4) 2nd
2Sherman, Joel (P2) 2ndOLaughlin, John (P7) 1st
1Weinstein, Ian (P5) 1stMallick, Joey (P1) 2nd
5Whitmarsh, Bradley (P11) 1stWinter (P6) 2nd
5Winter (P6) 2ndWhitmarsh, Bradley (P11) 1st

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