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2015 Boston Area Tournament

Round 3 Alphabetic Pairings

2Avrin, Paul (#8) 1stPiro, Sal (#2) 2nd6Kout, Trix (#16) 2ndThelen, Michael (#4) 1st
8Brower, Ruth (#17) 2ndSpiller, Diana (#15) 1st3Krycka, James (#18) 1stGauthier, Helena (#13) 2nd
9Constantine, Brett (#10) 2ndMcDonald, Carol (#9) 1st5Liebfried, Ed (#5) 1stGoldberg, David (#12) 2nd
1Ecsedy, Michael (#6) 1stHigby, Karl (#1) 2nd9McDonald, Carol (#9) 1stConstantine, Brett (#10) 2nd
3Gauthier, Helena (#13) 2ndKrycka, James (#18) 1st2Piro, Sal (#2) 2ndAvrin, Paul (#8) 1st
5Goldberg, David (#12) 2ndLiebfried, Ed (#5) 1st7Seales, Cynthia (#7) 2ndHatch, Andrea (#14) 1st
7Hatch, Andrea (#14) 1stSeales, Cynthia (#7) 2nd8Spiller, Diana (#15) 1stBrower, Ruth (#17) 2nd
1Higby, Karl (#1) 2ndEcsedy, Michael (#6) 1st6Thelen, Michael (#4) 1stKout, Trix (#16) 2nd
4Horn, Judy (#11) 2ndWolfberg, Michael (#3) 1st4Wolfberg, Michael (#3) 1stHorn, Judy (#11) 2nd

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