New England School SCRABBLE® Championship
27 April 2002
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Former Plumfield School club members Michelle Huntley and Anne Koza play their coach
Janet Koza. Anne was one half of the 2000 Massachusetts School SCRABBLE® Championship
team. Both girls are in 9th grade and Mrs. Koza now teaches and coaches at Nathaniel Bowditch School.

One of the two well-"staff"ed Registration tables.

Luna Greenwood and Diana Spiller register the A-L teams while
John & Emma Van Pelt fill out student name badges.

Staff volunteer Ellen Miller works the Word Gear table.
A coach helps herself to the free School SCRABBLE® materials.

Documentary filmmaker Deborah Fryer interviews Fort River's Scott Caldwell and Ivan Sandler.

During breakfast Buckingham Browne & Nichols SCRABBLE® coach, Mark Fidler, warms
up his teams. As returning champions, BB&N Middle was permitted to bring both a second team
and the event's alternate team (we were "even" and didn't use an alternate this year). Since
BB&N Lower is a separate school, they sent their own team, hence three competing BB&N teams.

Searles Middle School playes a pre-tournament warm up game with their coach, Ray Zelehoski.

Word judges Scott Leifer and Dave Mallick keeping the breakfast goodies flowing!
