New England School SCRABBLE® Championship
27 April 2002
page 7

Longfellow contemplating during BB&N Middle red's turn.

Graham & Parks Aaron King & Cokey Cohen look over their play of ELUSIoN.
It was challenged and stayed on the board.

Tantasqua Junior High plagued with Is! Their rack: AIIIIMS.

School spirit posters.

Event banner and a large school spirit poster.

Hilltown Cooperative holding an unplayable BLEATED.

Runkle partially blocking their rack. They had it set up like this: NICE oNE
(I'm making up what the blank would be!).

Head Word Judge Gregg Foster takes a challenge for Table 1. Longellow played MAE (creating
OM, LA, and QUINtE) and the play was ruled acceptable. Edgar Thomas and Dave Mallick look on.
